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LBJ Presidential Library

Lyndon B. Johnson archive

Swearing in of Lyndon B. Johnson as President on Air Force One

From the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Civil Rights Movement, the assignations of President John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Vietnam War, President Johnson’s years in office were some of the most tumultuous, yet formative, the country has seen.


A Texan through and through, LBJ never forgot his childhood in the rural Hill Country, which fueled his passion for the enormous social reforms designed to bring about the “Great Society.” The library is filled to the brim with bits and pieces of historic details.

A must for history buffs, who might also consider a trip to the LBJ National Historical Park in Johnson City.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

The University of Texas at Austin 2313 Red River St, Austin, TX 78705

Hours: Daily 9am-5pm

$10 adult

+1 512-721-0200


Kids & Families

University of Texas & Around

Texas Hill Country In-A-Day

The backroads beyond Austin

Text © Amy K. Brown

Images by Cliff, LBJ Library