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Texas State Capitol: Cannon

Texas is iconic, large, and known for leading with an extra bit of swagger.

Multi-cultural to its core, Texas has had six different flags fly over its land and was even a sovereign country from 1836 to 1846.

Texas is also a bit of a paradox, founded on fierce independence and yet interdependent on the terrain, weather, borders, and global economies.

Get an overview at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum and then head to the Texas State Cemetery or the Texas State Capitol to appreciate how far the state has progressed in such a relatively short period of time.

Then put Texas' history in a national context at the LBJ Presidential Library.

Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum

Story of Texas

French Legation Museum

A maison far from home

Harry Ransom Center

University treasures

Jourdan-Bachman Pioneer Farms

Great-great-grandpa's time

LBJ Presidential Library

Lyndon B. Johnson archive

Neill-Cochran House Museum

Not-so-secluded stately home

O. Henry Museum

For witty literati

Texas Governor’s Mansion

Stately - by guided tour only

Texas Military Forces Museum

Calling all history buffs

Texas State Capitol


Texas State Cemetery

Important Texans RIP

Text © Amy K. Brown

Image by Texas State Library and Archives Commission