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Asturias & Cantabria

Picos de Europa

Asturias and Cantabria provide a vivid contrast to the stereoptypical images of holiday Spain. These are two beautiful mountainous green provinces with stunning beaches, a mild climate and distinctive local food and drink.

Cantabria is known to many because of its well-heeled, elegant capital Santander which has ferry links with the UK. Close by are the picturesque towns and villages of Santillana del Mar, Comillas and San Vicente de la Barquera, while the region is also home to a host of prehistoric caves with their incredible prehistoric paintings. Unsurprisingly Cantabrian gastronomy is renowned for its fish, and its anchovies, in particular, are a prized delicacy.


The principality of Asturias, hemmed in by the majestic Picos de Europa mountains, is slightly more rugged than Cantabria but no less attractive. With its coal and iron ore reserves it was once the industrial heartland of Spain, but it is now famed for its natural beauty, outdoor pursuits and, of course, its cuisine. Apart from its excellent seafood, the region's signature dish is fabada, a rich white bean stew laden with chorizo, morcilla and pork. The pungent Cabrales blue-veined cheese and locally grown natural cider are fantastic too.



Almejas a la marinera

Clams in white wine and garlic

Bonito del Norte

Longfin Tuna


Strong Asturian artisan blue cheese


Spain’s most well known cured sausage

Cocido Montañes

Meat & bean stew from Cantabria

Fabada asturiana

Asturian bean stew

Fabes con almejas

White beans and clams

Fiesta del la Sidra

Cider on the beach

Fiesta del Orujo

Heart-warming homage to the local licor


Blood sausage


Milk-based pudding



Sobao pasiego

Cantabrian sponge

Text © Simon Baskett

Images by Juan Carlos!, willi_bremen