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Puerto Maldonado Tours

Forest, lake, island: plenty of choice

Sandoval Lake Sign

There are over a dozen tour agencies on the north side of Puerto Maldonado’s main plaza (see this entry’s map location). If you have time, go talk to several and see what they offer. On the surface, they all offer the same thing, but dig a bit deeper. Group size, boats and equipment can vary greatly by agency.

Ask about the guides’ language skills, especially if you don’t speak Spanish. Keep in mind guides are more likely to speak other languages than the people working in the office. I met guides in Puerto Maldonado that spoke English, French, German and Portuguese.

Always check that the agency is authorized by SERNANP. Ask about their environmental protection programs and how waste is managed while you’re in the jungle. If they claim to have an eco-lodge, ask what makes it eco, since the term is sometimes just used for marketing. Also ask how they give back to or support the indigenous people whose land you will be visiting.

Read the full content in the app
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Puerto Maldonado

Fly into the jungle

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Heather Jasper