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Huchuy Q’osqo Trek

Little Cusco (1–2 days)

Huchuy Q’oqso

The Huchuy Q’oqso ruins were once a miniature city built for the Inca Wiracocha. The name translates to Little Cusco and it was built as a country escape from the city.

There are four trails to Huchuy Q’osqo. The most simple, but not the easiest, leads from Lamay up to the ruins. I have hiked down from the village of Patabamba through a lovely little valley to Huchuy Q’oqso. You can get a taxi to Patabamba from C’orao, Pisac or Cusco. There are also trails from both Chinchero and Lake Piuray down to Huchuy Q’oqso.

You can ready more about Huchuy Q’osqo in my article about 15 Inca sites near Cusco, published in Matador Network. You can also read my blog on my website.


This can be done as a day hike, but there is a lovely little campground next to the ruins and it’s an even better hike as an overnight. This is one of the few treks that is easy to do on your own. If you don’t have camping gear, there are several families about 15 minutes walk from the ruins who rent cabins and cook meals for travelers.

There are many agencies who offer the Huchuy Q’oqso trek. For info on selecting an agency - see Cusco Trek Agencies

Cusco Region Treks (1–5 days)

Text © Heather Jasper

Image by Heather Jasper