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1560–1814: Imperial Capital

Plaza Mayor

Felipe II's designation of Madrid as imperial capital changed the destiny of the city. There are a few outstanding remains from this era, the most famous of which are the elegant colonnaded Plaza Mayor and the delightful Plaza de la Villa.

The original royal Alcázar was burned down in 1734, replaced by the far more opulent Palacio Real which was built on the orders of Felipe V and which remains one of the city's prime tourist attractions.

Madrid's Imperial era was also a time when wealth from the America's continued to flow into the city, as evidenced by all the pre-Columbian cultural treasures now in the Museo de América.

Madrid's Heyday

In many ways the city reached its heyday under Carlos III (1759-88), known as the "Rey-Alcalde" (King-Mayor) who did much to clean up the medieval squalor of the old city. He also determined to create the grand museums and mansions that now line the Paseo del Prado, including the the Prado itself.

There was further re-modelling of the city during the French occupation at the start of the nineteenth century when Napoleon's brother Joseph was installed on the throne.

For an interesting insight into this period head to the flamboyant Baroque building that houses the Museo de Historia.

Basílica de San Miguel

A Baroque masterpiece

Casa Museo Lope de Vega

Former home of the Golden Age dramatist

El Escorial

Phillip II's vast palace-monastery complex

Galería de las Colecciones Reales

Showcase for the art collections of the Spanish royals

La Ermita de San Antonio de la Florida

Fabulous Goya frescoes in delightful little church

Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales

Hidden treasure of an ancient monastery

Museo de América

Stunning collection of pre-Colombian artefacts

Museo de Historia de Madrid

Charting the history of the city

Museo del Prado

World-class art at Spain's premier museum

Palacio Real

Royal opulence in the city centre

Plaza de Oriente

Elegant square with views of the royal palace

Plaza Mayor

Madrid's stately, arcaded city square

Puerta del Sol

Loud and proud heart of Madrid

Real Monasterio de la Encarnación

Ancient convent with a renowned reliquary

San Andrés, Capillas de San Isidro and Obispo

Atmospheric religious complex in old Madrid

San Francisco el Grande

Magnificent domed church

Text © Patrick López

Image by Kris Arnold