Yes, indeed!

The Oc language is the old language of southern France, Catalonia, Monaco and parts of Liguria and Piedmont in Italy. It has several dialects including Provençal and Catalan.
Derived from Vulgar Latin, Oc is the southern French word for ‘yes’, hence the term Languedoc for the southern French Region. Interestingly, the modern French word for ‘yes’ is Oui and the French language used to be referred to as the ‘Langue d’Oui‘ although originally it was spoken only in Northern France. During the Middle Ages the Northern French gradually took control of the south and the ‘Langue d’Oui‘ became the official tongue of the whole country.
During 19th Century Oc re-established itself thanks mainly to the poet Fréderic Mistral and something of a revival took place. Throughout the south you will notice several dual language street signs and occasionally some graffiti defacing those which are not dual language!