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Musée des Merveilles

A Marvellous Valley

In the heart of the Mercantour yet only 78km/49mi from Nice the Musée occupies a great site in Tende at the head of the Roya Valley almost in Italy.

The museum presents the archeological heritage of Mont Bego and its surrounding area, especially the Vallée des Merveilles. It is organised along three themes: prehistoric archeology, ethnology and natural history. Relief models and animations abound to show the geology and everyday life in the Bronze Age.

To climb or not to climb?

The museum provides an ideal introduction for those intending to climb up to the actual site of the Vallée des Merveilles. Note that this a strenuous climb and a guide is need to explore the Merveilles themselves.

However, for visitors who are unable to make the ascent there are in addition to all the other fascinating exhibits some casts of the rock carvings.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Département: Alpes-Maitimes.

Ave 16 Septembre 1947, 6430 Tende

Price: free


33(0)4 93 04 32 50

Nice Beyond (L'Arrière Pays Niçois)

Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Paul Shawcross