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Blenheim & Around

Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre

Chances are that you’ve come to Blenheim to visit some of the marvellous Marlborough wineries. This is wine country, and Blenheim (pop 31,500) is likely to be your base for your time around here.

Blenheim is a busy city and if there’s one place that ‘flying buffs’ will want to visit, it’s the restored WWI and WWII aircraft at the Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre.


Air NZ flies into Marlborough Airport, 6km west of town. Blenheim is only 29km south of Picton, the South Island’s port for Interislander and Bluebridge ferries that cross Cook Strait, connecting the two main islands. Many visitors to Blenheim have just arrived in the South Island or are soon to head to the North Island on a ferry.

It’s a 308km, 4hr drive south to Christchurch from Blenheim.

Practical Info Practical Info icon

Blenheim i-SITE Visitor Information Centre - 8 Sinclair St, Mayfield, Blenheim

Marlborough Wine

NZ's largest wine-producing region

Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre

A must for aviation buffs!

Text © Craig McLachlan

Image by Bernard Spragg. NZ