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  • Search the entire contents using a fast and simple text-search tool.
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Zona Arqueológica Cuicuilco

One of the Valley of Mexico's oldest cities


The grass-covered ruins of Cuicuilco lack the wow factor of impressive Teotihuacán in the northeast, but it was in fact an important farming and ceramics-producing community with an estimated population of 20,000 inhabitants.

Abandoned around the 2nd century following an eruption of the now-extinct Xitle volcano, much of the ancient city (known as “the place of singing and dancing”) remains covered by a deep layer of lava.

The collapse of Cuicuilco left Teotihuacán as the region’s dominant city. Cuicuilco’s most notable structure is a four-tiered circular temple that was used for ceremonial practices and was surrounded by plazas and residential complexes. The onsite museum exhibits well preserved ceramics.

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Avenida Insurgentes Sur, Tlalpan

Wed-Fri 10am-4pm (hours may vary)

Admission: free

Metrobús Villa Olímpica

1400 BC–1300: Pre-Columbian

Ciudad Universitaria & Tlalpan

Text © John Hecht

Image by TJ DeGroat