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Lalinde – the first English Bastide

Founded by the English King Henry III Lalinde was the first English Bastide to be constructed. Built in 1267 it was badly damaged during the Hundred Years’ War and the Wars of Religion.

Despite all this there is still plenty to see. From the grid plan of the streets to the stone cross in the main square plus all the old houses including the Governor’s House and the Counsel House. The Tourist Office is located in the Renaissance House.

The church is more recent however, dating from 1901 when it replaced the old one, and is nicely sited on the the banks of the Dordogne River in the Purple Périgord which flows along the southern edge of town. The Canal de Dordogne stretches along the northern of town forming a long narrow island.

Market day: Thursday

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Text © Paul Shawcross

Image by Photo by Château des Vigiers