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Périgord Vert

St-Jean-de-Cole in the Green Périgord

The Périgord Vert (See Map) or Green Perigord forms a crescent in the north of the Dordogne département from the Limousin in the east to the Gironde in the west. It literally is ‘green’ comprising woodland and agricultural land with cereals and the local Limousin dairy cattle.

Excideuil Château

Literally green

The author Jules Verne first observed the ‘green’ nature of the area and he suggested the soubriquet.

In terms of its topography, this region resembles its neighbours, the Haute-Vienne and the Corrèze in the Limousin Region. Unlike the rest of the Dordogne there are no towns of any size. In fact the main attraction of the Green Perigord is the Parc Naturel Régional Périgord-Limousin shared with neighbouring Limousin.

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Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Paul Shawcross