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Churup Lake

Only 3km but it’s a climb! (3.5hrs)

Churupita Lake

This is a beautiful hike that’s a mercifully short drive from Huaraz (details below). The trail is only 3km but it’s steep. The first section is up the ridge of a moraine, without any switchbacks. The second section is across a hillside that’s less steep.

The third section is mostly climbing up the rocks that hold Churup Lake in place. There are chains on several parts of the last bit, which makes the hike not suitable for people who are uncomfortable with heights and exposure.

Churup Peak, which looms above the lake, is a very technical climb and not something to be attempted without ropes and climbing gear. The lake is at 4450m (14,600ft) and the peak is at 5493m (18,022ft).

If you have an extra hour for a bit more hiking from Churup Lake, follow the trail around the side to Churupita (below). It’s a fun little bonus hike up to a perfectly crystalline cirque.

Cojup Trek Map


Get the colectivo to Pitec, which only takes about half an hour. Colectivos depart from a red house on the corner of Avenida Agustín Gamarra and Avenida Las Americas, across from the Servicentro Huaraz gas station. In July, 2022 the price was s/20 for roundtrip to Pitec and back.

Churup Colectivo Paradero

The first colectivo departs Huaraz at 7am and the last one leaves Pitec at 5pm. They give you a receipt when you pay in the morning and collect it when you get in the van to go back to Huaraz in the afternoon. If you’re later than 5pm they might notice and wait for you, but don’t count on it.

Cordillera Blanca Hikes

Huaraz Day Hikes

Tours optional

Text © Heather Jasper

Images by Free Map Distributed by iPeru, Heather Jasper