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Whangaparoa Peninsula

Beaches galore 25km north of Auckland

Big Manly Beach, Whangaparoa

25km north of the city, the Whangaparoa Peninsula sticks out east into the Hauraki Gulf like a gnarly finger of land. Whangaparāoa is Māori for "Bay of Whales", and pods of orca and dolphin are regularly spotted in the waters off the peninsula.

Whangaparoa’s beach communities used to be holiday destinations for Aucklanders, but these days, commuters buzz into the city with good connections to State Highway 1.


If you’re after beach time, this is a great place to chill out. Consider the weather and your options at north-facing Stanmore Bay, Big Manly Beach, or Tindall’s Bay - or south-facing Arkles Bay, Little Manley Beach or Matakatia Beach.


At the end of the peninsula is the Gulf Harbour development with its popular golf course and marina.

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Whangaparoa Peninsula


Up North

Text © Craig McLachlan

Image by russellstreet