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Point Kean Seal Colony

Wildlife up close & personal

Southern New Zealand Fur Seal.

From Kaikoura township, either walk out to the Point Kean carpark in less than an hour, or drive if you’ve got your own wheels.

Signage warns that seals are likely to be present in the surrounding area. Most of the seals in or near the car park are males, which may appear to be harmless, but can become aggressive if they feel hassled and can inflict a nasty bite. The seals on the rocky platforms out from the car park are likely to be females and their pups. Avoid disturbing seals, staying at least 10m away.

It’s only 200m from the carpark to the Point Kean viewpoint. It’s possible to walk right around the Kaikoura Peninsula Walkway and back into town in a 3-4hr loop.

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Point Kean Seal Colony



Text © Craig McLachlan

Image by Bernard Spragg. NZ