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Port William to Oban Walk

Rakiura NP daywalk (4-5hrs)


Part of the full-on 3-day, 32km Rakiura Track Loop, this is an excellent 12km, 4-5hr daytrip option. Take a Rakiura Charters taxi-boat for a cruise from Oban up to Port William, hop off at the jetty and walk back.

There’s nothing but a DoC hut at Port William these days, but in the 1870s, immigrants from Scotland’s Orkney Islands tried to settle here.

The track through the national park takes in bush, beaches and even pioneer relics on its way to Lee Bay. You can arrange a vehicle from Oban to pick you up there, but it’s only a 5km-walk back to Oban via picturesque Horseshoe Bay.

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Rakiura Track

Half-day hikes

Island Escapes

Stewart Island & Rakiura NP

Dayhikers' South Island Itinerary

Daywalks Trip in the South (2 weeks)

Text © Craig McLachlan

Image by craig