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The last stand of the Gauls

The Puy d’Issolud, a hill above Vayrac in the Quercy where the remains of a Gallic settlement is believed to be the site of the last stand of the Gauls against the might of the Roman Army under the command of the all conquering Julius Caesar.

Unlike its better known counterpart in Burgundy, Alesia, there is nothing much to mark the site. At Alesia a statue of the Gallic chieften Vercengetorix stands high above the battlefield but here there is nothing – no statues to the heroic leaders of the Gauls, Drappes and Lucterios who were captured. The Romans deprived the Gauls of water and they capitulated during mid-September of 51BC after two months of trying to defend their stronghold. Caesar, showing no mercy, cut off the hands of the Gallic warriors to discourage any further uprisings.

Currently there is no public access to the actual battlefield at the Fontaine de Loulié on the Puy d’Issolud but you can learn about the battle and its consequences at the Musée Uxellodunum in place Luctérius at Vayrac.

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50BC–276: The Classical Period

The Dordogne Valley & Haut-Quercy (1-2 days)

A pilgrimage site, a cave & a glimpse of Piaf

Text © Paul Shawcross

Images by Photo by Paul Shawcross